
UpcycleTech Tips, Part 1

We know that technology can be scary sometimes. Different features & functions, not sure which plug goes where. Here at UpcycleTech, we’ve heard it all. We’re starting a new series simply called UpcycleTech Tips. Not only will we focus on tips to help make using your device easier but also some to help prolong the life of your electronics. Let’s get to these tips we’ve implemented ourselves and learned from the fellow electronics/tech community. Follow UpcycleTech on your favorite social media so you can stay up to date with our latest tech tips and know when part 2 is posted. 


Keep up with regular housekeeping on your electronics. Having your device on the latest software is one way to help prevent issues from occurring. For work computers, schedule at the end of work week to clear cache completely, check for updates & shut off the pc to allow time for reset. If you don’t already have something like this implemented, try it out and you’ll see the difference. 

Certainly not as often go into your devices programs or apps and uninstall the ones no longer used. This is also a good time to make sure your data on the device has recently been backed up.


When all fails, reboot. Especially if you haven’t lately. If your device is acting weird, a good thing to always try is shutting the device down completely and waiting 60 seconds or so before restarting. If you still encounter your issue, then begin to troubleshoot. 


One way to ensure your device and more importantly all your data safety is by using a VPN. A virtual private network acts as a layer of protection between your device and the internet. Anytime your device is connected to an open network, especially public wifi with no password, you’re putting your data at risk of being compromised. 

Many VPN companies offer multiple device options to keep your laptop, cell phone, tablets, etc protected when connected to the internet.



Lastly for today, passwords. Don’t use the same password for everything. Any easy way to make this possible, have multiple passwords and a couple variations of each. An example.. Upcycle2024$ and Upcycle20$24

If you’re not a superhuman then maybe that’s difficult to remember, try using a secure password manager or a password protected word document that can track your various login information.

These tech tips may seem like a nuisance if tech isn’t your thing. However, being proactive with technology and taking a few extra moments now will save you much more problematic issues from occurring later.

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